Friday, July 22, 2011

Fave Five Friday #4

**Sorry about this edition of Fave Five Friday being so late (hey, it's still Friday, though!). I spent the whole day at a waterpark with my family and had a blast! I also haven't done a FFF in awhile, so I thought, why not?**

1. Cars 2

Mater is soooooo adorable :)

2. Starbucks

Ignore random dude in the background!

3. Double rainbows

Took this waiting in traffic yesterday

4. Waterparks

I went on this EXACT ride!

5. Early birthday cards

Even better if they have a cute doggy on the front (not my card, for the record)

What was one of your favorite things this week?


  1. My favorite thing from this week was securing the new place! That was exciting! And oh, the fair too ;)

  2. Awww, that card is sooooo cute! I love it.

    My favorite things are that I FINALLY got my Coppelia dvd (Way back from the show we did in May. It's about time!!!) and eating tons of fresh summer melon! :-)

  3. Rainbows!!!!
    My favorite thing last week was sleeping in!


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