Friday, August 5, 2011

Fave Five Friday #5 (Almost Wordless)

1. Friends With Benefits

Such a cute and funny movie (JT is soooooo hot!)
2. Homemade popsicles

Mine weren't quite as pretty, but they were yummy!

3. Supportive blog comments

You are all amazing :)

4. Back to school shopping

I got a lot of plastic dishes!

5. Gelato-topped overnight oats

Mint chocolate gelato on top of chocolate oats

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful comments I received on my last post! I will be rereading them from time to time to remind myself of my worth. :) 


  1. Sorry - this is a random comment but JT is TOO hot. Right?
    Mila Kunis is adorable.

    Here is my favorite JT moment:

  2. Friends with benefits looks like such a cool movie :).

    Love the new dishes!


  3. You're amazing, Ash! We all adore you, never forget that! Your fave fives are always fabulous! Mind if I borrow the idea (I'll give you credit of course!)?

  4. I love all of your five - well except for the movie...I haven't seen it yet. Looks funny though.
    Hope your doing ok girl. Believe it - you are worth every ounce of support!!

    And gelato topped oats is like the best idea I've heard in a long time!!!


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