Friday, June 24, 2011

Fave Five Friday #2

It's that time of the week again...Friday! I love Fridays, but during the summer they don't really have any special significance to me. But last week, I started Fave Five Friday, where I highlight five of my favorite parts of the previous week. It makes Fridays special again. So here we go for number 2!

1. Pinkberry

The first Pinkberry in my city opened up last week! I tried the watermelon froyo with fresh mango and pineapple chunks
 2. Getting some sun

I didn't read but I did jam out to some Lady Gaga!
3. Instagram

It creates the coolest, most artistic photos!
4. Window shopping

It can be even more fun than actual shopping!
5. Jazz music

Jazz is one of my favorite types of music

What was one favorite thing about your week?


  1. okay, your Friday sounds AWWWWWEEESOMME :)

    take care hun


  2. What a happy post!!
    That picture of you is so pretty. Suitable for framing.


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